playbook of musicals



Any Moment is from the playbook of musicals such as Jason Robert Brown's Songs For a New World, which examine the triumphs and pitfalls of contemporary, everyday life with humour, poignance and soaring melodies (Arts Hub).

Inspired by the famous John Lennon quote, ‘Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans’ Any Moment explores what a minute in time truly represents. What purpose does a day hold? What unfolds in those little moments that happen without us noticing? It aims to highlight the beauty and fragility of life, asking if the ultimate unifying theme for all human beings, is that all of our lives will play out, one moment at a time. Who knows what will and could happen - Any Moment.


Set over the course of 24 hours, Any Moment begins at Midnight on New Years Eve, and moves throughout a single town, hearing stories from various individuals, as the clock tumbles toward Midnight and a New Year. Inspired by hit musicals like ‘Songs for A New World,’ and ‘Closer Than Ever,’

Any Moment is proof of the new generation of Australia writers and artists bringing exciting world class independent
works to stage here.

(Melbourne Cabaret Festival)

The music and lyrics are of a glittering standard that deserves worldwide recognition. (Arts Hub)

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The concept recording features features 17 new songs performed by: Kurt Phelan (She Loves Me, American Idiot), Tom Oliver (The Voice, Velvet), James Shaw (Chicago, Mamma Mia USA), Lizzie Moore (The Last Five Years, Kiss Me Kate), Lauren McKenna (Hairspray, Puffs), Trevor Jones (International Piano Man and leading academic), Judy Hainsworth (First World White Girls, Babushka Cabaret), Emily Kristopher (Single Asian Female), Alex Woodward (Underground Broadway Founder), Irena Lysiuk (The Owl & The Pussycat), Stephie Da Silva (Rent), Shaun Kohlman (Bare, Opera Queensland) and Kathryn McIntyre (Ladies in Black, Twelfth Night).

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Parts of this project were made possible by the Moreton Bay Regional Council.

The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Moreton Bay Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

We sincerely thank them for their support.